So your child wants to design games? If so, be not dismayed! You are not alone. If you are like many parents, you may be thinking that game design is child’s play, a pie in the sky dream, and likely a waste of time. Would it surprise you that game design is a lucrative profession, and […]
Move over Minecraft – there is a new kid on the block in kids coding education. For those who haven’t heard, Roblox is a first-person sandbox style game that is taking the playground by storm. With over 60M monthly users, Roblox has been on a rapid growth trajectory thanks to its exciting gameplay, multiplayer maps, and a fun commercial […]
Many people ask us why we teach kids to code by building games and apps rather than with more academic software projects. Common questions we receive are: “Is what you’re teaching really transferable?” “Won’t kids fall away once they realize that coding in the real world isn’t all fun and games?” […]
Computer programming, otherwise known as coding, has become a much discussed among families with autistic children. Many researchers and educational experts believe that there is a natural fit between many of the skills required for computer programming and some of the natural skills possessed by children on the spectrum. Computer programming, for example, […]
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. A staggering 1 out of every 5 kids gets sexual solicitations online. Strangers, predators, hackers, and cyber-bullies all target kids, and their work is made easier when their screen names show age, gender, or location. To further complicate things, today’s parents must monitor a variety of devices, apps, and portals […]
So you’ve determined that the convenience of an kids online coding course would be the best fit for your family, but are not sure where to start. With so many course types and platforms available, selecting a course can be tricky. But never fear. We’ve got you covered. Having taught over 10,000 kids in 40+ countries […]
Computer programming, otherwise known as coding, has become a hot topic among parents with gifted children. While not all gifted and talented students will gravitate towards computer science (CS), there are increasing numbers who excel and quickly advance beyond most of the standard computer science curricula available on the web. In this guide, we will […]
My daughter is growing up in a radically different world than the one I grew up in. By age 3, she was successfully navigating drag and drop coding games on an iPad and solving puzzle games on my phone. Meanwhile, I didn’t get my introduction to computing until middle school on the then revolutionary Apple II. The […]
Is Computer Coding for Kids a Fad or an Essential New Literacy? Global interest in kids coding is growing exponentially. There are a number of reasons for this trend, ranging from parental concerns about the robot apocalypse and its effects on unemployment, to reports of massive job growth in the tech sector. According to some […]