When it comes to searching for the perfect math games for kids, most instructors are under the impression that the “perfect game” is one that requires students to memorize formulas and press buttons on the screen. In truth, according to Calli Wright, “math is not just about numbers and formulas and games are one way […]
From cracking the enigma code to developing the oculus rift, math is the language that helps to create the wonderful world of computing as it is today. Despite the fact math is considered a universal language, most students and programmers have a hard time memorizing and utilizing all of the details that come with it. […]
CodaKid families, parents, and instructors have been asking us for the best STEM toys, games, and/or engineering tools that teach kids how to code! To help our fellow instructors in their STEM toy search, we organized this list based on which toys are suitable for which age groups, as well as on the following characteristics: […]
Activity Length: 5 hours | Recommended Ages: 10+ | Level: Beginner | Mac and PC only Hour of Code is a huge event every year, and in this free guide called Hour of Code 2024 | Roblox Coding with Lua, we share a series of free activities on one of our favorite kids coding […]
Scratch vs CodaKid: Which Kids Coding Website is Best for Your Child? Earlier this fall, we took a deep dive into kids coding websites Tynker and CodaKid, both Parents’ Choice Gold Award winners and CODiE Finalists for Best Coding and Computational Thinking Solution. This week we will compare CodaKid and MIT Media Lab’s Scratch, […]
In this guide Coding for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide, we are going to break down coding for kids into bite sized chunks. Whether you are a student, parent or teacher with no experience or an experienced technology teacher who is looking to take your kids coding classes to the next level, this guide is […]
In the world of online kids coding education, there are several different strategies used to teach kids how to program. Today we are going to take a deep dive into Tynker and CodaKid, both CODiE Finalists for Best Coding and Computational Thinking Solution as well as Parents’ Choice Gold Award winners. Both Tynker […]
Roblox is a free gaming platform that has taken the world by storm. In addition to a user base of over 60 million players and a state of the art game engine, one thing that we think makes Roblox really special is that its users make the games! There are now hundreds of thousands of user generated […]
Look out gaming world – Roblox is on a tear. Exploding in popularity over the last few years, Roblox now boasts over 64M monthly players, and is poised to overtake Minecraft as the #1 sandbox style game in the world. While it’s fun to play other people’s games on the Roblox platform, increasing numbers of players […]